21st century skills are need of the hour !!! Very true. Let’s take schooling as an example. Today we have big schools where qualified teachers come and teach. But in the next 10 years, I am seeing none other than robots teaching. And further in another 10 years, not only robots will teach but a new era of digitalized learning will come in place. We will be wearing a headset all the time and learning in the metaverse. Learning aside lets take daily activities for example driving a car. We won’t have drivers, we won’t need them. We will only have 1 thing that is self driving cars. This is not only for our personal cars but for taxis too. You call an uber. A self driving tesla will come to pick you up. You select your destination, and you reach to your desired place.
Schools Shut. Classes suspended. The pandemic hits with unprecedented fury. Innovative pedagogy ... digital literacy suddenly become the buzz words. Kudos to teaching fraternity, they do not let the course of education derail. But, the fact remains, that a large majority had to upgrade their skills to adapt, to online education.
Did humankind hit 21st century on a magic carpet? Or do you really think that evolution from darkness of caves to fire, to cultivation, to tools, to wheels, to gun powder, to inventions, vaccination and explorations were up with ‘abracadabra’ !!! You are mistaken if you think so.