In coding we build a program to do a specific task for us.
Code: A code is a set of computer instructions and when you will run it then it will show a result according to it.
Visualisation: Visualisation is an important aspect of coding. If you are given a task to make a game of Snakes and Ladders then first you will have to visualise it in your mind. For example :- You will first think about making two players, then you will think about adding ladders randomly on the board, after that you will think about adding snakes randomly on the board, then you will think about how can you add a winning and losing system.
Logical Thinking: Logical thinking is the most important part of coding. You can only write a code when you think logically. If you have a task to print out Fibonacci Series then you will have to first visualise it and then break into smaller parts. After that you will have to take one part at a time and code it. So when you code, your mind is thinking logically in a step-wise manner.
Why should kids do coding?
Kids should start coding from a young age because their mind is really fertile as they have no worries and they solve puzzles such as Sudoku, The Rubik’s Cube and play lots of other mind games that makes their mind even more fertile. The second point is that their grasping power is really high. This is scientifically a fact that kids can grasp things faster than adults can. The third point is that, the sooner they start the better they can become in coding at an early age in life. For example Mark Zuckerberg built Facebook when he was just 19 years old.
How is it beneficial for kids to start coding at a young age?
Problem solving skills are needed at all times of life whether you are a child or a grown up. Coding improves problem solving skills. Now you must be eager to know that how does coding improve problem solving skills? So here is the answer: Lot’s of problems occur when you are coding. Your program will run only after you have resolved all the problems. This fosters the attitude of problem solving in you and that will always help you in your future life.
Which languages should you start with?
I think you should start with Python if you want to automate stuff and make apps. Python is an extremely powerful high level language created by Guido van Rossum. Python is at number one in the rankings.
If you want to make and quickly publish web apps or games then you can use JavaScript. JavaScript is also an extremely powerful high level language created by Brendan Eich. JavaScript is at number two in the rankings. JavaScript apps can be published easily and the whole world can access your app but if you are using Python and not using any Python framework then it is lot harder to publish your apps and make your apps available to the world. For example I made an app called alien invasion in Python but I have not published it yet because first I will have to make a package installer for it.
How can you become a 10xCoder?
10xCoder is effectively ~10 times better than a normal coder. You can become a 10xCoder by simply practising and teaching other people. Now you must be wondering that practising is a valid point but how will teaching other people coding will help me become a 10xCoder? The simple answer to that is that when you teach, you learn yourself in the process and once all your concepts are clear then you will be building cool apps in really less time and then you are on the journey to become a 10xCoder !!!