Youngest Computer Programmers Saion and Saiasmi Gupta Inspire at GITEX Global DevSlam

The GITEX Global DevSlam at the Dubai World Trade Centre witnessed a compelling showcase of youthful enthusiasm and innovation as the Co-Founders of 10xCoderKids (company engaged in Coding & Robotics for Kids), Saion and Saiasmi Gupta, took the stage. Embracing the #TheCodingFamily tag bestowed upon them by GITEX, the siblings captivated the audience with their inspiring journey in the world of coding and technology. The session, held as part of the prestigious GITEX Global x Ai Everything x Global DevSlam from 16-20 October 2023, left an indelible mark on the audience, comprising young tech enthusiasts and industry professionals.

"We are not just a coding team; we are a family dedicated to nurturing the next generation of tech wizards," Saiasmi Gupta proclaimed, encapsulating the spirit of their mission. "Our aim is to empower every young mind to unlock their potential in the world of coding."

Saion Gupta, the Guinness World Record holder for the Youngest Computer Programmer, echoed his sister's sentiments, emphasizing the transformative power of coding. "It's not just about writing lines of code," he emphasized, "it's about unleashing your creativity and problem-solving skills to shape a better tomorrow."

Saion Gupta, highlighted the creation of an upgraded version of the popular word-guessing game, Wordle. "The development of the enhanced Wordle app has been a thrilling milestone in our coding endeavors," he shared, alluding to the app's commercial viability.

Their captivating narrative took the audience through their initial foray into the world of programming, guided by their father, Sandeep Gupta, a seasoned Computer Engineer from Delhi College of Engineering. Saiasmi shared her early struggles and triumphs in learning Python, recounting the joy of coding her first calculator application. "Despite the challenges, my passion and determination kept me going," she recalled, her eyes shining with determination.

They attributed their success to the pivotal role played by Dr. Jyoti Bose, the Director of Springdales Schools, in nurturing their coding aspirations. "Dr. Bose has been a guiding force, encouraging us to explore the realms of coding and technology fearlessly," Saiasmi expressed, highlighting the crucial support they received from their educational mentor.

Saion delved into his YouTube escapades, detailing his modest beginnings and gradual rise in popularity. "We realized that the key to making coding fun for everyone was through engaging and accessible tutorials," he explained, highlighting their mission to demystify coding for a broader audience.

Saion's journey culminated in his remarkable entry into the Guinness World Records, a testament to his unwavering dedication and the transformative power of coding in shaping young minds. "Guinness has opened up a whole new world of opportunities for me," he beamed, "and now, I aim to pass on the coding torch to the next generation of coding wizards."

Their collaborative efforts culminated in the establishment of 10xCoderKids, a platform designed to nurture young coding enthusiasts and foster a passion for technology and innovation. "We believe that every child should have the opportunity to learn and enjoy coding," Saiasmi emphasized, her voice brimming with conviction.

As their session drew to a close, the dynamic duo engaged the audience in an interactive coding activity, encouraging participants to delve into various coding challenges. The contagious energy and passion exhibited by Saion and Saiasmi Gupta left an enduring impression on all those present, underscoring the transformative potential of coding in shaping the future.

The GITEX Global DevSlam served as a dynamic platform for the convergence of tech enthusiasts and industry leaders, fostering an environment of innovation and collaboration. The Gupta siblings' inspirational talk and interactive session served as a beacon of hope and encouragement, igniting the spirit of innovation and creativity in the hearts of the next generation of tech enthusiasts.

GITEX Dubai Talk by Saion Gupta and Saiasmi Gupta

Good morning, everyone. I'm Saion Gupta, the Founder of 10xCoderKids and the Guinness World Record holder for the youngest computer programmer in the world with 20+ programming languages and 100+ apps under my belt. 

One prominent app that I created and particularly want to mention about is an upgraded version of Wordle, the word-guessing game that got really popular. The original creator, Josh Wardle, sold it to the New York Times for a whopping $1 million. I even reported a hack that I found in his application. Now, I'm thinking of selling my enhanced version to media companies who might want it. Cool, right?

Good morning, everyone! I'm Saiasmi Gupta, Co-Founder of 10xCoderKids with 5+ programming languages and 10+ apps under my belt. We stand before you today to share our coding journey with you all – the triumphs and challenges. The prospect of genuinely inspiring even one person in this entire audience would bring us immense joy and fulfillment. 

Before we start, I have an announcement to make, that the most active participant in the audience today will receive a special price from our side. 

Okay, let’s start. 

At the tender age of 9, I delved into coding with three fundamental JavaScript commands: alert, prompt, and confirm. These basic tools sparked a fire within me, fueling my passion for coding and setting me on an extraordinary path. After experimenting with the three commands, my father asked, "Did you enjoy it?" Without hesitation, I responded with a spirited, "Yes!". Following that excitement, we decided to delve deeper by ordering a book called “Learn JavaScript: Build the Room Adventure Game” by Stephen J. Wolf. This resource guided us in creating a Mystery Rooms game using HTML, CSS, and JS. When I heard "Mystery Rooms," I envisioned crafting a 3D game where I could explore, collect items, and more. What we ended up creating after flipping through 500 pages was a web app/game, essentially an image with 12-15 buttons, each with its own quirky function. Alright let’s go 2 months ahead. Creating new and straightforward games became our jam. In the span of a year, we cooked up around 50 apps, became multilingual (in programming, not human languages), and were pretty chuffed with our progress. Then, in January 2020, the coding engine got a turbo boost. I bagged a special award from my school, earning the coveted title of Young Innovator of the Year. That win was like a high-five from destiny, urging me to keep exploring the coding cosmos.

Okay, for me, it all began when my dad and Saion introduced me to Python programming language. Initially, I struggled with exercises and felt like giving up. However, my parents always encouraged me, and that’s what kept me going. The first achievement that made me truly happy was coding a calculator in Python. It felt amazing, and I never looked back. As I progressed in coding, I found it easier and began creating more apps. My school principal recognized me as the young innovator of the year. Despite initially finding coding challenging, my passion and determination led me to overcome all obstacles.

But wait, before we dive deeper into this coding saga, let's give a shout-out to the unsung heroes: our teachers and parents. Seriously, we would be lost in the coding wilderness without them. Big props to our dad, Sandeep Gupta, a Computer Engineer from Delhi College of Engineering, India. He's the wizard who introduced us to coding, patiently answering all our questions without ever pulling a "Nope, I'm busy." Thanks, Dad, for being the real MVP of our coding adventures! Our Grandfather Mr. Satish Gupta and our mom, Rupal Gupta deserve a special shout-out. They have been our 24/7 support hotline and the motivational coach in our coding rollercoaster. Picture this: one late night, I'm wrestling with a coding conundrum, and there's my mom, keeping me company till 2 am. Little IT background, but she's the MVP of staying-up-late-and-motivating-her-kid department. 

Now, let's talk about our teachers. Dr. Jyoti Bose, the Director of Springdales Schools, is the captain of our support squad. She's not just there to help; she throws us into the coding arena, and says, "Go, shine!" Mrs. Ritu Madan serves as the behind-the-scenes magician, consistently providing encouragement and ensuring our ongoing progress.

And then there's Oppu sir, the wizard behind the scenes. He trusted me with the school app. Big thanks to this dream team for being our cheerleaders in the coding Olympics!

Let's roll into the YouTube saga! Armed with my award, I plunged into the YouTube jungle with the name Saion Gupta. My debut act? "Coding LCM Calculator in JavaScript." Drumroll, please. Subscriber count? A solid 20, mostly honorary aunts and uncles. And the grand view count? A dazzling 15. I was practically YouTube royalty! Next up was the thrilling sequel, "Coding HCF Calculator in JavaScript," which, let's be real, didn't exactly set the internet ablaze with its 8 views. Then, my cinematic masterpiece, "Coding a Simple Calculator in JavaScript," hit the screens with a modest 3 views. A bit like a box office flop, but hey, I was having a blast! At times I just thought of completely quitting but that wouldn’t have been the correct decision. As my view counts played hide and seek, I decided to spice things up with guitar and Rubik's cube videos. Because who doesn't want a dose of musical and cube brilliance? But reality check—something felt off. So, I took a detour back to the coding highway. Did I become the next YouTube sensation? Nah. But I kept at it, and now I'm rocking a solid 630 subscribers with over 400 videos. Consistency is key, my friends. As Dwayne Johnson would say, "Success isn’t always about greatness. It’s about consistency. Consistent hard work leads to success. Greatness will come."

Okay, imagine this: I wanted to make coding cool for everyone, especially kids. So, I cooked up this awesome plan called 10xCoderKids. It all started small, just me, my passion for coding, and a big idea – make coding fun and easy for everyone, no matter how old you are or where you come from. At first, I made apps that were like a party for everyone – simple, fun, and open for all. It was a tiny start, but my dream? Huge. Then, a lightbulb moment hit me – the real magic is in teaching. If we show kids the magic of coding, we're giving them the keys to shaping the future. So, our plan got a serious upgrade. 

Now, fast forward to today, and 10xCoderKids isn't just about apps. It's like a superhero training camp for little tech wizards. We're all about making sure every kid, no matter where they live or what they have, gets to learn, and have fun with coding. To make this magic happen, we added coding classes. But here's the secret sauce: these classes aren't just about coding; they're about teaching kids to think big, solve problems, and get creative with technology. We even tried to get on Shark Tank S2 but didn't make it. However, we didn't give up and made it to the final level in Shark Tank S3. We're now eagerly awaiting the results, which should be announced soon. Together, we're on a mission to turn every kid into a coding superstar!

The last two years were like a magic spell on my life. Before that, I was doing alright, but there was this one glitch – I never got the chance to show case my skills. Then boom! The past two years were like a rollercoaster of coding competitions. I won a bunch of cool national and international contests, and let me tell you, that was seriously motivating stuff. Now, don't get me wrong, I also lost many competitions. They were like those awkward faceplants, you know? But hey, my family became my official cheering squad. Now, hang on, I'm getting to the good part – how I ended up in the Guinness World Records!

So, a year ago, I discovered that getting a Guinness World Record is like signing up for a marathon, but with paperwork. The form they handed me was like a novel, seriously. Then, to spice things up, they tossed in four verification forms that were longer than my weekend to-do list. But, hey, knowing Guinness is a big deal, I played along. Because, you know, life's all about following the rules.

Now, here's where it gets wild. Remember that time I thought of ditching YouTube? Turns out, it was my secret weapon. My YouTube videos became my superhero cape—they were like my coding portfolio. So, when the Guinness folks wanted proof of my coding skills, I was like, "Check out these epic tutorials, my friend!" It was like having a cheat code in real life.

And do you remember what Edison said, right? "Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." So, fast forward from filling out forms in June last year to hitting the record jackpot in February this year. Guinness has opened up a whole new world of opportunities for me. And here's the best part—I'm passing on the coding torch to one of you in the audience. Good luck, future coding wizards! May your code write your success story. 

Thank You. 

Why choose 10xCoderKids? Here are the top reasons...

 📢 Calling all parents, educators, and coding enthusiasts! 🚀

Are you ready to empower the next generation of tech geniuses? Look no further than 10xCoderKids! 🌟

We are thrilled to announce the launch of 10xCoderKids, a revolutionary coding program designed to nurture young minds and ignite their passion for technology. 🌐💡

Why choose 10xCoderKids? Here are the top reasons:

1️⃣ Expert Instructors: Our team of experienced instructors are not just tech-savvy, but also passionate about inspiring and mentoring young minds. They will guide your child through every step of their coding journey.

2️⃣ Fun and Engaging Curriculum: We believe in learning through play! Our curriculum is carefully crafted to make coding fun, interactive, and engaging for kids of all ages. From coding games to building robots, your child will explore the endless possibilities of technology.

3️⃣ Personalized Learning: We understand that every child is unique. That's why we offer personalized learning paths, tailored to each student's interests, skill level, and learning style. Your child will progress at their own pace, building confidence and mastering new concepts along the way.

4️⃣ Real-World Projects: At 10xCoderKids, we believe in hands-on learning. Our students work on real-world projects, giving them a taste of what it's like to be a professional coder. They'll gain practical skills and learn problem-solving techniques that will set them up for success.

5️⃣ Supportive Community: Join our vibrant community of like-minded parents, educators, and coding enthusiasts. Connect, collaborate, and celebrate your child's achievements together. We believe in the power of community support and mentorship.

6️⃣ Flexible Learning Options: We offer both online and in-person classes, giving you the flexibility to choose what works best for your child's schedule and learning preferences. Wherever you are, we're here to inspire and empower your child.

Don't let your child miss out on the opportunity to become the tech leaders of tomorrow. Join the 10xCoderKids family today! 💻🌈

Visit our website at to learn more and enroll your child. Together, let's unlock their full potential and shape a future driven by innovation! 🚀🌍

#10xCoderKids #CodingForKids #FutureTechGeniuses #EmpoweringYoungMinds #TechEducation #LearnToCode #InspireInnovation

Saion Gupta's journey to Guinness !!!

Saion Gupta from India is officially now the Youngest Computer Programmer (Male) in Guinness World Records (GWR). Verify Record.

He has made India & everyone so proud. 

At the age of 12+ years, what he has managed to achieve is no small feat & can surely be a source of inspiration for others & therefore it is a story worthwhile to tell. 

He started his coding journey at the age of 9+ years with learning JavaScript & developed his first fully functional app at the age of 10+ years for which he is now the Guinness World Record Holder !!! 

Over a span of 3 years, with his keen interest & acumen for coding, he has managed to learn a number of programming languages (18+) including Python, Java, C++, C to name only a few and has developed already more than 100 apps ranging a gamut of technologies & functionalities. 

Saion Gupta aspires to become 10x Coder himself first & likewise help others to accomplish the coveted feat. With a mission to make India the world capital of 10x Coders, he along with his sister Saiasmi Gupta both students of Springdales School, DK under the mentorship of their father Mr. Sandeep Gupta, Computer Engineer from Delhi College of Engineering (DCE) have founded a company called 10xCoderKids which teaches Coding & Robotics to Kids in the age group of 8-16 years & is your partner in the journey to become 10x Coder !!! 

To learn for free, subscribe to his YouTube channel 

For paid courses, visit the website 

Call / WhatsApp us : +91-9871123366 

21st century skills are need of the hour !!!

21st century skills are need of the hour !!! Very true. Let’s take schooling as an example. Today we have big schools where qualified teachers come and teach. But in the next 10 years, I am seeing none other than robots teaching. And further in another 10 years, not only robots will teach but a new era of digitalized learning will come in place. We will be wearing a headset all the time and learning in the metaverse. Learning aside lets take daily activities for example driving a car. We won’t have drivers, we won’t need them. We will only have 1 thing that is self driving cars. This is not only for our personal cars but for taxis too. You call an uber. A self driving tesla will come to pick you up. You select your destination, and you reach to your desired place.

How is all of this possible? The hard truth is that we won’t have teachers, drivers, carpenters, potters or electricians. There is a possibility of not even having doctors. But how ? By Coding, AI and Robotics. The world will revolve around these three things only in the coming years and it has started. This new era has started. Only people who know Coding, AI or Robotics will be employed.

So how does this tell us that 21st century skills are the need of the hour ? We need to know how to code, how to do robotics, how to build AI for a living in the future. These 21st century skills are not known to so many people and may lead to huge amounts of unemployment. So let’s start now. Let’s start learning these 21st century skills, let’s make ourselves ready for the future, let’s start now.



Schools Shut. Classes suspended. The pandemic hits with unprecedented fury. Innovative pedagogy ... digital literacy suddenly become the buzz words. Kudos to teaching fraternity, they do not let the course of education derail. But, the fact remains, that a large majority had to upgrade their skills to adapt, to online education.

Good morning, everyone. Worthy audience, that was just a peak to substantiate that 21st Century Skills like critical thinking, problem solving, and digital literacy ... only to name a few ... are an absolute necessity. You do need them to be prepared for a change; to foster innovation ... to in fact, prepare future ready citizens whose portfolios match up to the expectations of prospective employers ... citizens, who can deal with today’s digitalized world.

By the way, do you know, why NEP 2020 envisages a paradigm shift in education? ... to empower learners to relate their learning with real life issues. How engaging ... how relevant school education would be with skill labs, field trips, joint projects and case studies! Imagine, just imagine playing musical chairs to solve a coding problem in computer programming class! Ah! Need I tell you how thrilled I am!!!

Members of the house, the true purpose of education is preparation, for life. But, can it be achieved if learners are not trained to be participative! ... if their survival tools do not include flexibility, adaptability and global and cultural awareness! ... and most importantly if they do not imbibe social responsibility and ethics?

Before I conclude, let me assert ... the entire populace including home makers, vendors, grocers, ... everyone ... needs to learn 21st century skills, to keep pace with rapidly evolving world and volatile economy. Well, I am ready and raring for an education that will make me future ready. Are you ready and raring too?

Did humankind hit 21st century on a magic carpet? Or do you really think that evolution from darkness of caves to fire, to cultivation, to tools, to wheels, to gun powder, to inventions, vaccination and explorations were up with ‘abracadabra’ !!! You are mistaken if you think so.

Good morning everyone, Distinguished jury and worthy audience, critical thinking, problem solving, creativity, communication, curiosity, collaboration and a repertoire of knowledge have very much been behind every advancement till date. None of these skills, I must say, is specific to the 21st century. Why this clamor then in education and business section about the dire need of these skills today! ! Well, my opponent may say these skills are crucial to prepare future ready kids. Yes, employment and economic growth are vital and desirable. But to my mind these skills envisage a perfect individual with a specific set of skills - be it communicative, creative, digital literacy or global awareness. But don't forget every individual is unique with its own set of aptitude, interests & inherent talent; that you cannot fit everyone in the same mould.

I strongly contend that in the name of 21st Century skills, you are preparing future ready robots working 24x7 in a stressful competitive work culture leading to a host of health disorders. No wonder suicide cases are rising and happiness index is falling. Why not let individuals bloom in their own unique way! Why not let them paint a picture, tame the game with a camera, sing a mellifluous melody, compose a soulful symphony, hit boundaries in playfields or dance their way to a happy life!!

I would also like to add its more vital to ensure that in the midst of rising decibles for 21st century skills; ethics, morality and spirtual and core values like peace, contentment, kindness, empathy, integrity and fair play do not get drowned.

To conclude, a high happiness quotient coupled with a peaceful, contented, stress free life, I believe, are much more desirable in today’s fast paced, technology driven complex world.

And yes I may not learn coding but I must know how to fix a bulb or drive a nail in the wall.

Code to flatten an array to a given depth in JavaScript

Here is the code to flatten an array to a given depth in JavaScript. There are many ways to code it but using recursion is perhaps the smartest way of them all.


let sample = [[1, 2, 3], [1, 2, [4, 5]], [2, 3, 78, [10, 11, 22]], 1, 3345];

function flattenArray(arr, depth = 1) {
  let flattenedArray = [];
  for (let j = 0; j < arr.length; j++) {
    if (Array.isArray(arr[j]) && depth > 0) {
      flattenedArray.push(...flattenArray(arr[j], depth - 1));
    } else {
  return flattenedArray;
console.log(flattenArray(sample, 2));


let sample = [[1, 2, 3], [1, 2, [4, 5]], [2, 3, 78, [10, 11, 22]], 1, 3345];

Array.prototype.flattenArray = function (depth = 1) {
  let flattenedArray = [];
  for (let element of this) {
    if (Array.isArray(element) && depth > 0) {
      flattenedArray.push(...element.flattenArray(depth - 1));
    } else {
  return flattenedArray;

10xCoderKids founder's coding journey so far, a story worth telling !!!

Saion Gupta
at the age of 12 years is the child prodigy in the field of Coding & Robotics. He aspires to become 10x Coder & likewise help others to accomplish the coveted feat. With a mission to make India the world capital of 10x Coders, he along with his sister Saiasmi Gupta both students of Springdales School, DK under the mentorship of their father Mr. Sandeep Gupta, Computer Engineer from Delhi College of Engineering (DCE) have founded a company called Coding & Robotics for Kids | 10xCoderKids which operates as your partner in the journey to become 10x Coder !!! 10x Coder is the canonical code of honour & industry standard for extra-ordinary coders who are at least as productive as 10 coders & that is precisely what we strive to achieve.

At the age of 12 years, what he has managed to achieve is no small feat & can surely be a source of inspiration for others & therefore it is worthwhile to tell his story. He started his coding journey at the age of 9 years with learning JavaScript. Over a span of 3 years, with his keen interest & acumen for coding, he has managed to learn a number of programming languages including Python, Java, C++, C to name only a few. He has already developed more than 100 apps & some of his significant apps include AI powered Tic-Tac-Toe, block puzzle game 2048, ever popular Flappy Bird game, the daily word game Wordle, the original version of which was bought by New York Times for over USD $ 1 Million, and these are only just a few to mention. He has also passed prestigious LinkedIn assessments for various coding skills & conducted coding workshops, and again all of these at this young age.

He has already brought home many laurels by winning inter-school, national & international competitions, the most notable or recent being the
First Prize (Laptop) in Hindustan Times & IBM Code-a-thon 2021-22 and First Rank in School Connect International Coding Olympiad 2021-22. He was commended for his excellence as a Young Innovator by Springdales School in Jan-2020 & thereafter for Tech Excellence & has been the special awardee for 3 times in a row.

Other than coding, he loves reading & writing books, music & singing, chess, Rubik’s cube & cricket. He has a YouTube channel & regularly posts coding tutorials to help others to learn coding for free.

Subscribe his YouTube channel :

Visit his website for more details:

Coding for Kids

What is coding? In coding we build a program to do a specific task for us. Code: A code is a set of computer instructions and when you will ...